Lydia Panart's Website Redesign: Leading Innovation

(in progress with next development team at algonquin college)
As the team lead, I spearheaded the transformative redesign of Lydia Panart's website. Our goal was to capture Lydia's artistic essence while ensuring a modern, user-friendly interface. The revamped site not only showcases her portfolio in its best light but also offers an intuitive browsing experience for visitors. A harmonious blend of artistry and functionality, this project stands as a testament to collaborative creativity and leadership.
Lydia Panart

Problem Statement:

Lydia Panart's online presence is fragmented across two separate domains, leading to a disjointed user experience. The existing website suffers from poor design, a lackluster user interface, broken functionalities, and a minimalistic color scheme that lacks character and brand identity. Additionally, there's an unmet need for an integrated platform to sell scarves, further limiting the site's potential.

Solution Statement:

To address these challenges, we embarked on a comprehensive redesign of Lydia Panart's website. By consolidating the two domains into one cohesive platform, we ensured a unified user journey. Leveraging low-fidelity sitemaps and user personas, we reimagined the site's UX, establishing a logical and engaging flow. The design overhaul introduced a vibrant color palette, infusing the site with Lydia's artistic essence. To cater to the commercial aspect, we seamlessly integrated a Shopify page, enabling Lydia to showcase and sell her scarves directly through the website, enhancing both functionality and revenue potential.